Söpökadun talviarvonnan arvontapäivä lähestyy!
Arvontaan osallistujia on jo nyt valtavan paljon enemmän,
kuin osasin ikinä odottaa.
En todella arvannut, että näin moni edes voisi löytää blogiani.
Tämä on ihanaa ja niin ihmeellistä♥
Jos et ole vielä ilmottautunut arvontaan, mutta haluaisit mukaan,
klikkaa Söpökadun talviarvonta,
liity lukijaksi, jätä linkkisi ja kommenttisi
ja olet mukana arvonnassa:D
Voittajan julkaisen Ystävänpäivänä 14.2.2011 (GMT +2)
The drawing date of
Söpökatu's Winter Giveaway
is approaching!
There are already so much more participants to my giveaway
that I could've ever expected.
I really had no idea that so many could even find my blog.
It is wonderful and so amazing ♥
If you have not yet joined my giveaway, but you'd like to,
click on Winter Giveaway of Söpökatu
become my follower, leave your link and your comment
and you're in the draw:D
I'll announce the winner on Valentine's Day 14.02.2011 (GMT +2)
Good luck: D
Söpökatu's Winter Giveaway
is approaching!
There are already so much more participants to my giveaway
that I could've ever expected.
I really had no idea that so many could even find my blog.
It is wonderful and so amazing ♥
If you have not yet joined my giveaway, but you'd like to,
click on Winter Giveaway of Söpökatu
become my follower, leave your link and your comment
and you're in the draw:D
I'll announce the winner on Valentine's Day 14.02.2011 (GMT +2)
Good luck: D
Mukavaa viikonloppua kaikille! Have a nice weekend!
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