torstai 3. helmikuuta 2011

Outdoors part 2. osa ulkoilua


-Auts, mun nilkat!                                             -Outs, selkä parkani!
-Kuule, tämä talviurheilu ei tainnut olla ihan meitä varten...
-Oikeassa olet, siskosein.
Mutta 'AfterSki' sujuu huomattavasti paremmin:D
-Todellakin! Otetaanko toiset kaakaot?
-Otetaan, ja tupla kermavaahdolla:DDDD

15 kommenttia:

  1. ihana tarina sai siis jatkoa :)
    Käypä ilmoittautumassa arvontaani

  2. Wonderful photos! Your dolls had a great time and deserved a good hot chocolate.
    They look so real.

  3. Yhdyn edellisiin: aivan ihania kuvia!

  4. Wonderful pictures, love them all! Yo can make a movie, Piiko!

  5. soooo cute Pikko!!! Nothing better to end a day of ice skating than a warm cup of hot cocoa or tea :)

  6. :D Niin hauskoja kuvia!! Hulvaton idea yleensäkin. :)

  7. Hauskoa tarinoita ja hienoja kuvia :) Noin urheilulliset neidit ovat kyllä kaakaonsa ansainneet... Rauhan luistimet on tosi hienot!

  8. Kiitos, kuvaushetkenä ulkona oli mitä ihanin aurinkoinen talvisää.
    Mites siinä laulussa sanotaankaan.. Sininen on taivas...valkoinen on hanki..:D

    Thank you, when I took these photos it was the most beautiful and sunny winter weather outside. The popular finnish song is the sky...white is the snow..:D

  9. Your dolls are really alive, I thought at first that they were people in the snow. Well-designed
    groetjes Ingrid

  10. Hello Piiko! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! I didn't know about yours until today. I just read EVERY post you've done!
    I LOVE the little things you make!
    Especially your dolls and their lovely clothes! :D
    I just got a new sewing machine and am learning how to make clothes for my dolls. Yours are so cute!!!!

    Blessings, Kathi

  11. Kathy, Ingrid, Kathi♥
    Thank you all for your visits and your lovely comments. I'm happy that you like my blog and my dolls. The dolls are doing things what probaply I won't ever do:D
    Kathi, congratulation for your new sewing machine! Now we wait for your sewings...
    Greetings to you and to the all readers. Have a nice weekend!


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